
“No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.”


These past few days have been rather intense, as I am finally nearing the launch of my next grand adventure. Mornings are crisp and afternoons are still bright and warm, as shorter days are fading into nights that are nearly cold.  Lately, I have been all work and little play, so in lieu of soirées and other beautiful adventures, plans were made to do absolutely nothing at all. Although there was still time for leisurely morning brunch, shopping for beautiful dresses, reading under the October sun – warm and golden on my face, fresh raspberries tarts (almost too beautiful to eat) and time with friends. I love todays inspiration images.  I wanted to put together something romantic, fashion inspired and sexy…



Let your mind take you everywhere that’s beautiful.

Wishing you a weekend of magical moments


I hope that your holiday weekend was filled to the brim with celebration and tons of laughter. Mine was spent with my beautiful twin cousins, Angii and Mandy.  There was talk about the past, the present, and so many other lovely things; beautiful late night dinners and early morning breakfasts, there were in-depth makeup lessons, followed by a cool, sunlit shopping experience and a stop by my favorite restaurant for lunch and frozen gelato — just to name a few of our fabulous weekend activities!


“Let us read and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world”

– Voltaire

Saturday night was dancing – in our prettiest dresses and highest heels – under a chandelier lit canopy of lights that illuminated grass-covered walls and gorgeous decor…  We danced the night away, amongst smiles and laughter; a feeling of magic in the air, as we were swept away by the music, new friends and the most spectacular rooftop garden.  It was an unforgettable night! A special thank you to my cousins, who are both newly married and chose to leave their men at home to come wing-man this single girl! Now that’s true love!  😉

Remember, there is always time to put on your prettiest skirt and twirl around to your favorite song. Even if you’re all alone. Never stop dancing, it keeps you young!


Let your imagination carry you away, to the beaches of Brazil, Hawaii, Greece; wherever your mind takes you. Sailboats and nautical stripes, coral and bikinis… Let yourself be swept away, for the warmth and beauty of summer, will soon be fading into a new season.



Today, I enjoyed the cool breeze off of the ocean, stuck my feet into the warm sand and felt the touch of sunlight, warming my skin and relaxing my body and mind. I’ve been so preoccupied these days.  I sometimes share deep truths about my life on this blog, but I really try to make it more of a beautiful escape… for us all. It’s so important to take time to enjoy the simple things, to reflect and meditate…. life is simply one beautiful day at a time.



“She loved the sea. She liked the sharp salty smell of the air, and the vastness of the horizons bounded only by a vault of azure sky above. It made her feel small, but free.”

― George R.R. Martin

“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all of your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” -Golda Meir


Wishing you beautiful thoughts and sunlit days, for the weekend is upon us . . .

“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.”


After weeks – more like months – of travel, I am home.  And so happy to be where I belong.  What a beautiful weekend it has been… weddings, photo shoots, many reflective walks on the beach and the gathering of my dearest friends – over red roses, candles, drinks, hilarious costumes and most importantly, the celebration of my beautiful friend’s birthday. Today is church and brunch with close friends, and on this beautiful and bright Sunday, nothing could be more fitting or more evocative of the day’s mood . . .

Side note: We fall often, for the striking and extremely beautiful sights of flowers in photos. I want to encourage you to go out and buy some for your home, wether that’s romantic roses or bright colored orchids! I recently read an article about a study done at Harvard, showing that people with fresh flowers in their home are more empathetic, happier and positive.  I was having a hard day yesterday, so I went out and bought some flowers.  Now, every time I look at the bouquet by my bed, my mood lifts and I smile. Guess it’s true! Though… I knew it all along 😉


“Make today count, you’ll never get it back”

“Never allow waiting to become a habit, live your dreams and take risks, life is happening now.”2625312fd5dc519ced37523b85e662c6

Happy Saturday!

I have no idea where to begin. Life has been non stop — relationships, work, moving…  its been quite a journey the past six months.  For a long time my heart was too broken to pick up the pen (so to speak) and do any kind of writing.  But as time passed, it allowed me to slowly heal enough to be able to gain back my voice and finally get back to normal. Sincerest apologies for the long hiatus. I look forward to sharing all of the exciting things that have happened as well as so many wonderful things that are currently in the works.  I am so blessed to be doing some incredible photo shoots with wonderful teams and magazines. I can’t wait to post them! For now, wishing you a gorgeous weekend filled with everything beautiful that you dream about and wish for, including those simple pleasures often taken for granted.  Wether that be a relaxing night of sleep or a steaming cup of fine coffee, may you appreciate it all and take time to smell the roses, everyday.


“We have to remember that we can still do anything. We can change our minds. We can start over. The notion that it is too late to do something is comical.  We must not lose the sense of possibility, because in the end, it’s all we have.”

– Marina Keegan

It’s a rainy and blustery Sunday, flower petals are whirling, dancing along the window pane as raindrops fall. It’s cosy here, the scent of vanilla and sandalwood lingers from the candlelight, and here, under a fur blanket, dreams of love and happiness fill my mind . . . Wishing you a beautiful day wherever you are.


In light of recent events going on internationally, I thought that today, a collection of inspirational quotes would be fitting for our spirits. . . Love one another, life is so short.


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore, Dream, Discover.”

–Mark Twain

“If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”

-Roald Dahl

“In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart.”

-Anne Frank

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

–Maya Angelou

“Only in the darkness, you are able to see the stars.”

-Martin Luther King


. . . overcast, and the ground, laden with mist and raindrops, winters full furry has hit our city, and despite secretly hoping that it would last as long as possible [before the heat of summer abounds]…  I am lovingly embracing the luxury of cashmere with soft leather elbow patches, tights, knee-high socks, leather boots and throw blankets so soft, it’s a taste of heaven.  Soft candlelight on rainy afternoons and the stillness of dark, early mornings . . .

There is no doubt, this is my favorite time of year.  No matter the chaos, take a moment to be truly grateful for all that you have and everything that makes you smile. I am feeling so grateful, life is beautiful. And life is short.  Live it to the fullest, enjoying every beautiful moment that you possibly can. xo

“I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says “Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.”
— Lewis Carroll


I held a Jewel in my fingers —
And went to sleep —
The day was warm,
I said “‘Twill keep” —

I woke — and chid my honest fingers,
The Gem was gone –all beauty too
And now, a remembrance
Tis all I own — broken pieces, all alone

Emily Dickinson

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