December 2010

Outside my window… the weather is freakishly odd, rain one minute, sunshine the next, followed by HAIL! What?

I am watching… A documentary about the 1918 flu pandemic. Yeah not scary at all….

I am feeling… “so fly like a G6..”

I am thinking… about a certain someone who makes me incredibly happy. Don’t ever settle.

I am thankful for… the sweetness of new beginnings. Everyday people wake up and wish to change their lives for the better. I actually did.

I am wearing… The most beautiful perfume ever…with skinny jeans, heels and a smile.

I am hearing… “Secrets” by One Republic.

I am creating… new goals and beautiful dreams for the New Year.

I am loving… his smile

A few plans for the rest of the week… Business meetings, Last minute shopping, Dinner with Carly, Erin, and Wes, shaking it on the dance floor with the girls, opening presents, getting a facial to make my skin clear and glowing, baking Christmas cookies…

I am finally… going to cave and create a Twitter account… Dang you… Social media!

Jose Villa

Time for us to pack our bags and explore new territory! California here we come! If you know anyone getting married in Southern California please pass our name along. Our Arizona branch will still be booking to service you on your big day. See you wedding day lovlies!

This traditional and yet totally fresh wedding is purely blissful. Photographed by Caroline Tran with flowers by the beloved Saipua and a design by the fab Daughter of Design, this is one of those weddings that I’m sure will quickly jump to the top of your favorites list.

What do you get when you put together two models, three locations, beautiful dresses and Jose Villa?  The most beautiful shoot ever!  The client wanted a soft light for this shoot so Jose brilliantly decided to use vaseline over the lens. And here is what happened…