December 2009

For someone who maybe hurt you, why not give the gift of forgiveness? Forgiveness not only frees your heart, it also frees the other person to be more then the sum of their transgressions.

For the one who complains about pain, why not give the gift of compassion? Compassion is as simple as giving someone a little understanding. YOU may not have the same pain, emotional or physical, but you can certainly understand pain. Next time someone complains about pain, pray for them. You not only show compassion, you are taking them directly to the one who can help. Priceless!

The perfect present for any person (like that friend who keeps letting you down) is the gift of love. According to 1 Corinthians 13, “Love is patient. Love is kind…It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs…It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres… Love never fails.”

While these may cost a little more then you feel you are able to give, remember the man born on this day, who gave everything so that you would have the opportunity to do the same.

“For God did not send His Son into the world to condem the world, but to save it through Him.” ~John 3:17

Merry Christmas everyone

Katie and Laurence were married at the Stone Creek Golf Club in Phoenix, AZ on November 14th 2009. Katie was such a fun bride to work with. When we did her trial run she was a blonde and to my surprise she decided to go brunette for the big day! It looked beautiful, though it did change her makeup slightly. Like most of my brides, we went for a super natural look. She informed me that Laurence didn’t want her to wear a lot of makeup on the wedding day because he wanted her to look like herself. How sweet. 🙂 She then told me that they met at a Barnes and Noble. It was inspiring, two strangers who happened to have the courage to strike up a conversation with eachother ended up living happily ever after. I love a good love story…

*Courage is fear that has said its prayers and decided to go forward anyway.

*You can suffer the pain of change or suffer remaining the way you are.

*Stop determining your worth and value by what other people say. Be determined by what the Word of God (scriptures)says.

*Character is doing what you don’t want to do but know you should do.

*It is not about reading the Word. It is about obeying the Word.

*Strive for excellence, not perfection, because we don’t live in a perfect world.

Feast your eyes on this delicious silver and white color palette. I was inspired by the season and the cold weather outside. Oh how I love this inspiration board!

Ahh yet again, I am sick. This time with strep throat. It is the THIRD time since November that I have been sick. First the flu, then the SWINE flu, and now strep. I’m starting to think that I might need to be taking a little more time off from work. My body is screaming at me to slow down and take some “Katy” time. Tis the season right? Speaking of the season, not cold and flu season, but the holiday season… today I did makeup for Santa Claus. Ha! Randomness at its finest. Once we finished the makeup and got him into the costume I actually squealed with joy. I guess the kid in me burst out unexpectedly. I requested a flat screen tv down the chimney for my new apartment. He told me that since I was a nice girl this year that my chances were good. Success…. 🙂

I present, Kimberlee. Her bridal shoot took place before her wedding day. Smart girl! I really like the idea of holding a bridal shoot before or after the wedding day. Brides spend a lot of money to acheive their perfect wedding look, so why not take the time to really capture the moment? Usually on the day of the wedding everything is going so fast and you might not get all of the shots that you dreamed of framing. How sad. A bridal session is a great way to get some amazing pictures. And on another note, there is no rushing or nervousness involved, just a super fun photoshoot. Kimberly Jarman was the amazing photographer! Enjoy!
Kimberlee’s lashes are all individuals… you can’t even tell she has them on right? And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I NEVER use strip lashes.

I just can’t get enough of these shots! Christina, the lovely bride, was photographed byErin Michelle Photography in Tucson, Arizona. I’m obsessed with veils! Completely and utterly obsessed.

*Don’t let a week go by without telling someone you love them. Out loud. Pets count.
*Wave that freak flag high. One way to do it: On Facebook, go to settings, then Language. On the Primary Language menu, select “English (Pirate).” Really, it’s magnificent.
*You know those days when no one’s around and you download that song that always makes you dance, then you kill five minutes completely rocking it in your house? Make lots of days one of those days.
*On January 2, sit down, take out a pen and a piece of paper and write down five reasons you would want to marry yourself. Doesn’t that feel nice?
*All together now: This year there will be no drunk-texing of exes. (Also no drunk-tweeting or status-updating-at least not until they invent the great Internet erase machine).
*Buy a “good decision” piggy bank. Pay yourself a dollar everytime you skip the third drink, go to bed early or make the difficult phone call. At the end of the year, buy yourself a “good decision” present. You’ve earned it.

Complements of this month’s Glamour Magazine 🙂