Hello my lovely brides and faithful blog readers. I have been delinquent in keeping up with my blog writing… my apologies. I have done several amazing weddings and I am so excited to get pictures up to share with you. Once I get them from the photographers I will post them soon, promise!

Exciting news for Couture Makeup came this morning when I was contacted and booked for 3 editorial spreads (possible covers) with Arizona Weddings Magazine. We will be shooting all over the state and there will be a total of 10 photo shoots. This Tuesday I head off to Tubac and Tombstone for the 6 am call time… a little early for my liking, but the morning light will be stunning. Wish me luck; the makeup must be flawless so that the editor, creative director, stylist, photographer and readers will love the pictures. *No pressure* 😉

I leave you with a beautiful wedding from last month. The weddding took place at a friend’s home, the décor was simple and elegant. I love the mismatched bridesmaid’s dresses, the flowers, Tiffany’s netted hair piece which embodies glamour, and her pink ruffled shoes…which stole my heart.