Once in a while, I have the pleasure of seeing a wedding that takes place outside of Arizona. This year I had the joy of experiencing one in Maui and three in California. It always inspires me to plan my own wedding *that is, when I meet mr. right ;)* in some exotic far away place. Well… after seeing this wedding, I think Napa might be that enchanted location I dream of. The wedding of Michelle and Steve takes everything that I love…vintage chandeliers, garden roses, organic detailing, French inspired elegance…and smashes it all together in a total piece of wedding heaven. And since I am kind of a blubbering idiot over this affair, I think that we should just jump right into the photographs that Jose Villa shot. They tell the story to perfection.

In all sincerity, the result of Michelle and Steve’s incredible wedding planning will definitely go down in Couture Makeup history as a favorite. Its true wedding love for me! Ahhh *Im swooning*… I would so much rather see a couple put their money towards just a few hours with a great photographer, than settle on a photographer that is mediocre. The keepsakes that a great photographer can provide are priceless. Which of course is exactly why I’m so in love with Jose Villa. His photographs are little works of art that you get to enjoy forever…

Okay, if you aren’t already sitting down…you probably should be. I’ve saved the best of today’s wedding for last. The reception tables. These reception tables are quite possibly the most beautiful tables I’ve ever seen in my entire life and have completely inspired me to start collecting chandeliers as a hobby. A chandelier in every room of my house, maybe two.